Looking for a reliable A Math tuition centre? You’ve come to the right place!
O Level A Math Tuition Programme
Overview of O Level Masters A Math Tuition
Our A Math tuition programme prepares students thoroughly to pursue A-Level H2 Mathematics at the Junior College level with confidence, where a strong foundation in algebraic manipulation skills and mathematical reasoning skills are required.
What is taught
The Additional Math content is broadly organised into three branches, namely, Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry, and Calculus.
Besides conceptual understanding and skill proficiency in the content strand, the development of process skills, namely, reasoning, communication and connections, thinking skills and heuristics, and applications and modelling are also emphasised.
Our A Math Tutors
O Level Master’s highly experienced and award winning tutors support students’ learning with concise and clear notes and specially curated drills, all designed to promote fast tracked learning and mastery of mathematical concepts through application.
Students are coached and equipped with all the core exam taking skills and strategies in time management, astute application and error elimination to score As in their exams.
Skills imparted in our O Level A Math programme
Our O Level A Math Tuition Programme aims to enable students to:
1. Acquire mathematical concepts and skills for higher studies in mathematics and to support learning in the other subjects, in particular, the sciences
2. Develop thinking, reasoning and metacognitive skills through a mathematical approach to problem solving
3. Connect ideas within mathematics and between mathematics and the sciences through applications of mathematics
4. Appreciate the abstract nature and power of mathematics

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