Social Studies Tuition Sec 3

Social Studies Tuition (Sec 3) Schedule

SUBJ/LEVELBranchDate & TimeTutorAvailability


Social studies is a compulsory subject for humanities in secondary school and carries a equal (50%) weighting in contribution to the O Level Examination assessment format. The aim of the Secondary 3 O Level Social Studies tuition programme is enable students to develop critical and creative thinking abilities to help them assimilate into the society and contribute responsibly to the nation and the world they live in.

LearningLearning Objectives

Upon completion of this programme, students will learn how to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of societal issues.
  • Analyse societal issues through different perspectives
  • Interpret and evaluate sources of given information through logical and methodical inquiry
  • Draw fair and balanced inferences through analytical discernment and the ability to detect biases inherent in opinion and judgement
  • Construct reasoned arguments and make informed judgement and recommendations in relation to a range of social issues


Topics covered include:

  • Exploring Citizenship and Governance
  • Living in a Diverse Society
  • Being Part of a Globalised World

Who Should Attend?Who Should Attend

Secondary 3 Students

  • Seeking O Level Social Studies tuition for the reinforcement and mastery of core subject matter through conscientious and regular supplemental learning
  • Aiming for a competitive edge towards achieving academic excellence in the Social Studies components of the O Level Combined Humanities examinations
  • Seeking topical revisions to address knowledge gaps and weaknesses in the understanding of Secondary School Social Studies curriculum


Our strong team of O-Level tuition teachers are highly qualified and experienced in preparing students for a O-level Social Studies exams. They’re very passionate about educating young people and they connect well to the students, which is an important trait for imparting knowledge and skills. These NIE-trained O-Level tuition teachers deliver lessons in an engaging and enjoyable way, making it useful and effective in helping students improve their scores.


Mr. Noel Ong/Social Studies Tutor

Mr Noel Ong is a graduate from the National University of Singapore with a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and English Literature. He also earned a Post-Graduate Diploma in Education (Secondary) from the National Institute of Education in Nanyang Technological University, in the teaching of History and English Literature, in 1998. Thereafter, he spent 18 years teaching History, Social Studies and English Literature in Shuqun Secondary School. He has also been Mentor and Cooperating teacher to more than 10 teacher trainees through the course of the years.
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June Foo/English/ Social Studies Tutor

Ms Foo was an ex-MOE teacher in JCs as well as secondary schools, teaching GP and English. She has a Bachelor of Arts from NUS and Postgraduate Diploma in Education from NIE, as well as Masters of Arts from University of Hull, UK.

Enjoy a Trial Now!
