O Level E Math Tuition

‘O’ Level E Math Tuition Programme Overview


O Level Master’s E Math Tuition programme is carefully designed and supported by a systematic learning framework for fast tracked and efficient student learning. Through active participation in each class, students will be be engaged in active discussion, learning, practice, reviewing and testing of taught mathematical concepts. Star tutors impart knowledge on solving lengthy and creative E Maths tuition problems.

In addition to receiving coaching on tackling the `standard’ examination problems, the students’ can expect to attain mastery of the basic knowledge on each topic. This curated approach will aid the student’s logical thinking and deduction in dealing with problems that they have not encountered and this lays a strong foundation especially for students also pursuing the ‘O’ Level Additional Math subject. Students will also benefit from experienced super tutors who have honed their teaching styles and strategies specifically to the individual needs of a wide range of E Maths students.

Skills imparted in our programme


Our E Math Tuition Programme aims to enable students to:

1. understand and apply mathematical concepts and skills in a variety of contexts
2. organise and analyse data and information; formulate and solve problems, including those in real-world contexts, by selecting and applying appropriate techniques of solution; interpret mathematical results
3. solve higher order thinking problems; make inferences; write mathematical explanation and arguments.

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