‘O’ Level Social Studies Tuition (Sec 4) Schedule
SUBJ/LEVEL | Branch | Date & Time | Tutor | Availability |
The aim of the Secondary 4 O Level Social Studies Tuition programme is to thoroughly prepare the student for the Social Studies component of the O Level Combined Humanities examination to achieve results excellence. Students will indelibly benefit from O Level Masters specially curated, proprietary pedagogical framework, clear and concise learning materials and receive high quality instruction and coaching from our proven Social Studies O Level super tutors.
Who Should Attend
Secondary 4 Students
- Seeking O Level Social Studies tuition for the reinforcement and mastery of core subject matter through conscientious and regular supplemental learning
- Aiming for a competitive edge towards achieving academic excellence in the Social Studies components of the O Level Combined Humanities examinations
- Seeking topical revisions to address knowledge gaps and weaknesses in the understanding of Secondary School Social Studies curriculum
Our strong team of O-Level tuition teachers are highly qualified and experienced in preparing students for a O-level Social Studies exams. They’re very passionate about educating young people and they connect well to the students, which is an important trait for imparting knowledge and skills. These NIE-trained O-Level tuition teachers deliver lessons in an engaging and enjoyable way, making it useful and effective in helping students improve their scores.